WANG Jiqian(Professor)

Published:2022-10-26Author:王兆兴Number of Visits:63



WANG Jiqian

Academic Title


Advisor Type

Supervisor of PhD and MSc students


 Biological and Energy Chemical Engineering

Research Interests

Peptide self-assembly, Surfactants, Biopolymers,   Heavy oil


Group Website



Educational Background

1995-1999, China University of Petroleum   (East China), Applied ChemistryBSc

1999-2002, China University of Petroleum   (East China), Applied ChemistryMSc

2002-2006, China University of Petroleum   (East China), Chemical Engineering and TechnologyPhD

2011-2011, University of Manchester,   Royal Society visiting academic

2012-2013, University of Manchester, CSC   visiting academic

Work Experience

2007-2009, China University of   Petroleum (East China), Postdoctoral Fellow (Petroleum Engineering)

2009-2009, China University of   Petroleum (East China), Lecturer (Chemical Engineering)

2009-2016, China University of   Petroleum (East China), Associate Professor (Chemical Engineering)

2016-present, China University of   Petroleum (East China), Professor (Chemical Engineering)

Research Direction

[1] Peptide self-assembly and   peptide-based biomaterials

[2] Microbial polysaccharides and   biosurfactants

[3] Heavy oil chemistry and recovery

Research Project

[1] NSFC   grant: Chiral mechanism of short peptide self-assembly and construction of   peptide supramolecular artificial enzymes.

[2] NSFC   grant: Interfacial chemistry mechanism and application of peptide regulated one-dimensional   self-assembly of platinum nanoparticles.

[3] Industrial   research project: Optimization and evaluation of heavy oil thermal   modification system.

[4] Industrial   research project: Development and evaluation of nanoemulsion formulations for   low permeability reservoirs.

Representative Papers and Patents

1. Paper

[1] Unexpected role of achiral glycine in determining the suprastructural   handedness of peptide nanofibrils. ACS   Nano, 202115, 10328–10341.

[2]Thermal   cracking, aquathermolysis, and their upgrading effects of Mackay River oil   sand. Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering, 2021, 201, 108473

[3] Surfactant-like peptides: From molecular design to controllable   self-assembly with applications. Coordination   Chemistry Reviews, 2020421, 213418. 

[4] Rheological behaviors of a novel exopolysaccharide produced by   Sphingomonas WG and the potential application in enhanced oil recovery. International Journal of Biological   Macromolecules2020, 162, 1816-1824.

[5] Left or right: How does amino acid chirality affect the handedness   of nanostructures self-assembled from short amphiphilic peptides? J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2017139, 4185–4194.



[1] Defoaming   controllable multiphase foam system and preparation method.

[2]Calcium   phosphate nanoparticle and ion complementary peptide composite hydrogel and   preparation method.

[3] Reaction   regulation method of self-heating system based on sodium nitrite/ammonium   chloride and its application.

[4] Biological   oil displacement agent welan gum and its oil displacement system.

[5] Peptide-regulated   synthesis of cuprous oxide nanoparticles and their photocatalytic   applications

Representative Works

[1] Petroleum   Composition and Conversion Chemistry, China University of Petroleum Press,   2008

Awards and Honors

[1] Heavy oil   chemical composition and conversion theory, Second Class Prize for Progress   in Science and Technology, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association,   2008.

Courses Offered

Undergraduate:《Bioenergy   Technology, Frontier Progress of Chemical   Engineering

Postgraduate:《Supramolecular   Chemistry, Colloids and Interface Chemistry

Student Training

1.Supervise   Postgraduate Students

I have supervised more than 30 PhD and   MSc students of chemical engineering and bioengineering. Most of them are now   employed by petroleum companies, colleges, government agencies and other   enterprises. Some of them are studying abroad for PhD degree in US, Australia   and Europe after graduation.

2.Admissions   Instructions

PhD students   in Chemical Engineering and Technology.

MSc students   in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology and Engineering.

Part-time Academic Job

[1] Editorial   member of Scientific Reports