Liu Chunshuang(Associated Professor)

Published:2022-10-26Author:王兆兴Number of Visits:24



Liu   Chunshuang

Academic Title

Associated Professor

Advisor Type

Master supervisor


Environment   and Safety Engineering

Research Interests

Biological Wastewater Treatment




Educational Background

1999/09-2003/07,Harbin Institute of   Technology, Major in Water Supply and Drainage,Bachelor of Engineering

2004/09-2006/07,Harbin Institute of   Technology, Major in Environmental Science and Technology,Master degree

2006/09-2010/03,Harbin Institute of   Technology, Major in EMunicipal Engineering, Ph.D.

Work Experience

2010/04-2012/03China University of Petroleum(East   China)College of   Chemical Engineering Postdoc

2012/04-2015/12China University of Petroleum(East   China)College of Chemical   EngineeringLecturer

2018/09-2019/08Australia Centre for Water and   Environmental BiotechnologyVisiting Scholar

2016/01to   presentChina   University of Petroleum(East China)College of Chemical EngineeringAssociate Professor


Research Direction

[1] Biological   Wastewater Treatment Technology: operation diagnosis and regulation of   biological treatment process; anammox; Sulfate reducing bacteria control

[2] Development and utilization of   microbial resources: crude oil degrading bacteria; salt tolerant or   halophilic bacteria; new nitrogen cycle microbial resources

Research Project

[1] Shandong   Natural Science Foundation General Project, Removal mechanism of typical   PPCPs in sulfur-mediated wastewater treatment process, 2020.7-2022.6;

[2] Qingdao   West Coast New Area Science and Technology Plan Project, Ship sewage   treatment system based on artificial intelligence technology, 2020.1-2022.12;

[3] Fundamental   Research Funds for the Central Universities, Construction and mechanism of   complete nitrogen removal process by integrated PN-ANAMMOX with CH4 as   substrate, 2019.1-2022.12

[4] Open   project of State Key Laboratory of Petroleum and Petrochemical Pollutant   Treatment and Disposal, Growth regulation mechanism of anaerobic ammonia   oxidizing bacteria based on ecological principle, 2018.9-2021.12;

[5] National   Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project, Mechanism and process   control strategies for simultaneous sulfide and nitrate removal by   denitrifying sulfide removal and anammox, 2014.1-2016.12;

Representative Papers and Patents

1. Paper

[1]Chunshuang Liu, Wei Li, Haitong Yu,   Lihong Liu, Dongfeng Zhao, Duu-Jong Lee. Synergistic bioreduction of Te(IV)   using S(0) as electron donor. Bioresource Technology, 2022,343,125896

[2] Chunshuang   Liu, Yanzhe Li, Jianing Gai, Hongzhe Niu, Dongfeng Zhao, Aijie Wang, Duu-Jong   Lee. Cultivation of sulfide-driven partial denitrification granules for   efficient nitrite generation from nitrate-sulfide-laden wastewater. Science   of the Total Environment, 2022, 804,150143

[3] Chunshuang   Liu, Tao Liu, Xiaoying Zheng, Jia Meng, Hui Chen, Zhiguo Yuan, Shihu Hu,   Jianhua Guo. Rapid formation of granules coupling n-DAMO and anammox   microorganisms to remove nitrogen. Water Research, 2021,194,116963

[4] Chunshuang   Liu, Wei Li, Lihong Liu, Haitong Yu, Fang Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Autotrophic   induced heterotrophic bioreduction of bromate in use of elemental sulfur or   zerovalent iron as electron donor. Bioresource Technology, 2020,317,124015

[5] Xiaoling   Li, Jianqiang Zhao, Yuhao Zhang, Jiaojie He, Kaili Ma, Chunshuang Liu. Role of organic/sulfide ratios on competition of   DNRA and denitrification in a co-driven sequencing biofilm batch reactor.   Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 18793-18804

[6] C Liu, H Yu, C Qu, W Li, Y Wang, Y   Guo, F Han. Enhanced mineralization of p-fluoronitrobenzene in a   methane-based hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor. China Petroleum   Processing & Petrochemical Technology. 2021, 23(2):60-65

[7] C Liu, W   Li, W Duan, H Zhong, H Yu, Y Li, F Liu, C Zhao. Nitrogen removal performance   of denitrifying ammonium oxidation system in treating sulfamethoxazole-laden   secondary wastewater effluent. China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical   Technology. 2021, 23(2):60-65. 2021,23(01):105-110

[8] Y Guo, X Bai, H Yu, X Li, C Zhao, C Liu*. Complete nitrogen removal   through integrating anammox and autotrophic denitrification in an UASB   Reactor. China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology. 2020,   21(1):111-117 

[9] Chunshuang   Liu, Wenfei Li, Xuechen Li, Dongfeng Zhao, Bin Ma, Yongqiang Wang, Fang   Liu, Duu-Jong Lee. Nitrite accumulation in continuous-flow partial   autotrophic denitrification reactor using sulfide as electron donor.   Bioresource Technology, 2017,243,1237-1240

[10] Liu   Chunshuang, Li Jiaguo, Yan Laihong, Zhao Dongfeng, Ma Bin, Li Xiang, Wang   Aijie. Simultaneous biological removal of nitrate, sulfide and ammonia from   wastewater and its mechanism, CIESC Journal, 2015,66(2): 779-784


[1]Liu   chunshuang, Li Xuechen, Li Wenfei, Zhao Dongfeng, Li Wei, Zhao Chaocheng, Liu   Fang A method for rapid realization of partial denitrification process.   CN107265631A

[2] Liu   chunshuang, Li Yanzhe, Yu Haitong, Li Wei, Wang Yongqiang, Liu Fang, Zhao   Chaocheng A rapid cultivation method for granulation sludge coupling DAMO and   ANAMMOX. CN202010035143.1

[3] Liu chunshuang,   Yu Haitong, Dong Qi, Wang Yongxing, Guo Yadong, Liu Fang, Zhao Chaocheng A   method for simultaneous removal of dissolved methane and NOx   .CN202010035337.1

[4] Liu   chunshuang, Li Wenfei, Li Wei, Zhao Chaocheng, Zhao Dongfeng, Liu Fang. A   method for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and sulfur removal treating high   salt wastewater National . CN106396098b

[5] Liu   chunshuang, Zhao Dongfeng, Jia Kuili, Ma Wenjuan, Guo Yadong, Zhao Chaocheng,   Liu Guorong A method for simultaneous toxic organic carbon, sulfide and   nitrate. CN105060478B

[6] Liu   chunshuang, Zhao Chaocheng, Zhang Jiliang, Guo Yadong, Liu Fang, Zhao   Dongfeng. A rapid cultivation method for mixtrophic dentrification sulfide   removal granular sludge. CN104773937B

[7] Liu   chunshuang, Zhao Dongfeng, Guo Yadong, Zhao Chaocheng, Liu Fang. A method for   simultaneous removal of p-cresol, ammonia nitrogen and nitrate in wastewater.   CN105330016A

[8]Liu   chunshuang, Zhao Dongfeng, Guo Yadong, Wu Weilin, Zhao Chaocheng, Liu Fang. A   method for the inhibitor of sulfate reducing bacteria in an oil storage tank   .CN105145631A

[9] Zhao   Dongfeng; Liu chunshuang; Zhang Qiang; Hu Hengyu; Liu Qiyou. A method for   accelerating the anaerobic biodegradation of heavy oil hydrocarbon to produce   organic hydrocarbon gas. CN103924953B

Representative Works

Awards and Honors

The 20th China's   Patent Award, A process system for simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen   and sulfur from wastewater, Wang Aijie, Liu chunshuang, Ren Nanqi, Han   Hongjun, Bi Jianpei, Chen Chuan and Deng Xuliang 2018


Courses Offered

Undergraduate:《Microbiology   of environmental engineering》《design and calculation of sewage treatment structures》《general   ecology》《Fundamentals   of Biochemistry

Postgraduate:《Water Treatment   Engineering


Student Training

1. Supervise   Postgraduate Students

10 graduate   students have graduated under the guidance of the first supervisor and 7 are   still studying.

2. Admissions Instructions

Study hard, love scientific research,   progressive

Part-time Academic Job

Reviewer of   some Journals, such as  science   of the total environment China Petroleum Processing and   petrochemical technology ect