ZHANG Yu-hui(Associate professor)

Published:2022-10-26Author:王兆兴Number of Visits:23



ZHANG Yu-hui


Academic Title

Associate professor

Advisor Type




Research Interests

Colloidal and Surface Chemistry





Educational Background

1992-1996University of Petroleum(East China),   Department of refining,Bachelor of   Science

1998-2001University of Petroleum(East China),   Department of refining,Master of Science

Work Experience

1996-1998Henan Kent glassworktechnician

2001-2004University of Petroleum(East China),   Department of refining, assisisant

2004-2009China University of Petroleum(East   China)College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineeringlecturer

2009-2011China University of Petroleum(East   China)College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineeringassociate   professor

2011-2020China University of Petroleum(East   China)College of Scienceassociate   professor

2021-presentChina University of   Petroleum(East China)College of Chemistry and   Chemical Engineeringassociate professor

Research Direction

[1]   Oil-field   Chemicals and Petroleum Additives

Research Project

[1] Studies on asphaltene stabilizers during   residue slurry-bed hydrocracking, Petrochemical Research Institute of CNPC2021-2024.

[2] The research of   synthesized efficiency adding technology in offshore heavy oil field, major   project of national science and technology,2016-2020.

Representative Papers and Patents

1. Paper

[1] Study on pour point depressants for diesel oils   with high content of paraffin wax, Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing   section),2003(1).

[2]Study on   some novel types of wax crystal disperser for diesel oils, Acta Petrolei Sinica   (Petroleum Processing section),2005(1).

[3] Synthesis and evaluation of PMA pour inhibitor for diesel   fuel with high wax content, Petroleum Processing and petrochemicals2006(7).

[4]   Reducing olefin content of FCC gasoline catalyzed by phase-transfer catalyst, Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum   Processing section), 2008(1).

[5]   Performance of reducing olefin of FCC gasoline by catalytic oxidation in   phase-transfer catalyst/H2O2 systems, Speciality Petrochemicals,2011,28.




Representative Works



Awards and Honors



Courses Offered

Undergraduate:《Physical   Chemistry(2-1)》《Physical Chemistry(2-2)》《Experiments in Physical Chemistry

Student Training

1.Supervise Postgraduate Students


2.Typical student


3.Admissions Instructions

Part-time Academic Job

