Wang,Chuangye(Associate Professor)

Published:2022-10-26Author:刘振Number of Visits:67




Academic Title


Advisor Type

Master graduate



Research Interests

Colloid and Interface Chemistry,   Porous Materials




Educational Background

1996-2000, Tianjin University,   Department of Chemistry, Applied chemistry;

2001-2004, Tianjin University,   Department of Chemistry, Physical chemistry;

2004-2009, University of Leipzig,   Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Chemistry.

Work Experience

2009-2010, University of Leipzig,   Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Postdoc;

2010-, China University of Petroleum (East   China), College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lecturer, Associate   Professor

Research Direction

[1] Colloid and Interface Chemistry

[2] Porous Materials

[3] Surface Thermodynamics

Research Project

[1]Synthesis of hierarchical SAPO   catalyst and mass transfer rate in mesopores, Shandong Natural Science   Foundation;

[2]Relationships between the surface   properties of multi-component solutionsShandong Natural Science Foundation;

[3]Surface structure of ionic surfactant   solutions investigated by experiment and MDs. National Natural Science   Foundation

Representative Papers and Patents

1. Paper

[1]The dependence of surface tension on surface   properties of ionic surfactant solution and the effects of counter-ion therein,   Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16: 23386.

[2] Surface concentration or surface   excess, which one dominates the surface tension

of multicomponent mixtures? Colloid and   Polymer Science, 2018, 296: 89.

[3]Dependence of surface tension on surface   concentration of ionic surfactant solutions and the effects of supporting   electrolyte, Tenside Surf. Det. 2019, 56: 484.




Representative Works



Awards and Honors



Courses Offered

Undergraduate:《Physical Chemistry》《Chemistry of Surfactants

Postgraduate:《Advanced Physical   Chemsitry

Student Training

1.Supervise Postgraduate Students


2.Typical student


3.Admissions Instructions

Part-time Academic Job

